Officials of Himachal Pradesh Football Association met Chief Minister Jairam Thakur and explained their activities in the state. Under the leadership of the HPFA General Secretary Deepak Sharma in Chief Minister Jairam Thakur received his office in Shimla, the district officials and other office bearers of different districts including other
Result Of The D License Coaching Course Held At Una, Himachal Pradesh from 25/04/2018 To 29/04/2018
Sachin Tendulkar meets HPFA Girls Team at Dharamshala
HPFA Honored the Hon’ble Chief Minister, Shri Jai Ram Thakur and Hon’ble Legislative Assembly Speaker Dr. Rajiv Bindal
Selection Trails for SAI Regional Football Academies
Result D License course Pandoga, Himachal Pradesh 25/02/2018 to 01/03/2018
Result of the D License coaching course held at Una, Himachal Pradesh from 24/02/2018 to 28/02/2018
Barcelona v/s Juventus in India: Legends set to face off in Mumbai on April 27
Fifa World Cup 2018 fixtures: Groups, matches, dates, venues, full schedule with Indian Timing
FIFA WORLD CUP 2018(RUSSIA) FIXTURES WITH INDIAN TIMING. There will be 64 matches in TOTAL Group A:- Russia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Uruguay Group B:- Portugal, Spain, Morocco, Iran Group C:- France, Australia, Peru, Denmark Group D:- Argentina, Iceland, Croatia, Nigeria Group E:- Brazil, Switzerland, Costa Rica, Serbia Group F:- Germany, Mexico, Sweden, South Korea Group G:- Belgium,
Dharamshala guy Tapish Thapa ready to lead the Indian National Football League Division-2
Tapish Thapa from Dharamshala has been appointed as Match Commissioner by AIFF (All India Football Federation) for I League 2nd Division to be played in India. The man from Dharamshala Himachal Pradesh is ready to take the responsibility of the Indian National Football League. I-League 2nd Division is the second-highest division